📻 Retro Static Sites

Go Report Card

📚 Table of Contents

  1. Project Structure
  2. Getting Started

Project Structure

📂 retro-static-sites
├── README.md
├── examples
    ├── txt-example
        ├── cosmos-first-post.txt
        ├── cosmos-second-post.txt
        ├── cosmos-third-post.txt
    ├── md-example
        ├── first-post.md
        ├── second-post.md
        ├── readme-example.md
├── generate.go
├── styles.css
└── template.tmpl

Getting Started

  1. Visit https://github.com/tsamantanis/retro-static-sites and create a new repository named retro-static-sites.
  2. Run each command line-by-line in your terminal to set up the project:
$ git clone git@github.com:tsamantanis/retro-static-sites.git
$ cd retro-static-sites

Single File 📄

To generate a retro styled static site from a single file use:

$ go run generate.go --file=PATH_TO_FILE 

replacing PATH_TO_FILE with the relative path to a .md or .txt file of your choosing

Folder 📂

To generate a retro styled static site from a single file use:

$ go run generate.go --dir=PATH_TO_DIRECTORY 

replacing PATH_TO_DIRECTORY with the relative path to a directory which contains .md or .txt files. The directory can contain sub-directories.